Ebay Reclaims NYC’s Canal Street from the Fakesters with Store Focused on Authenticated Streetwear

Ebay's new Canal Street Wear shop featuring authenticated streetwear.

New York City’s Canal Street has long-been prime real estate for the sale of counterfeit and bootleg goods, but Ebay is looking to provide an island of reality there with the opening of a new shop featuring a selection of authentic (and authenticated) streetwear and sneakers from top Ebay sellers.

All of the items in the Canal Street Wear retail shop have been verified as authentic through Ebay’s Authenticity Guarantee service, which recently expanded to include streetwear. The store features a collection of items from top-rated Ebay sellers NYMilanRIF and Soled Out Jersey City, and visitors can also bring in streetwear from their own closets to be authenticated on-site by Ebay experts.

The new store is just the latest move in Ebay’s ongoing effort to establish itself as the go-to online destination for “enthusiasts” of all kinds, from collectors to hobbyists and beyond. The first step in this process has been to build trust in the Ebay buying experience, category by category, with the introduction of services like the Authenticity Guarantee and the acquisition of Certilogo

“Enthusiasts go to Ebay to find every drop from the past few decades, from late-’90s Supreme and Virgil era Louis Vuitton, to younger brands like Palace and Aimé Leon Dore,” said Charis Marquez, Global VP of Fashion at Ebay in a statement.  “Expanding Authenticity Guarantee to streetwear brings peace of mind that every item is the real deal and furthers our efforts to make Ebay the most trusted destination for streetwear. Canal Street Wear highlights Ebay’s incredible selection and commitment to authenticity.”