Six Principles for Redefining Retail with Responsible AI

Generative AI (Gen AI) has brought about a seismic shift that’s reshaping customer interactions and business operations. As retailers ride the AI wave, it’s important to simultaneously address both the opportunities and responsibilities it brings. Gen AI, with its vast potential for enhancing efficiency and personalizing customer experiences, also comes with ethical considerations.

For retail businesses, integrating Gen AI is about navigating a path that harmonizes cutting-edge technology with ethical stewardship, ensuring that AI deployments enrich the retail experience without compromising on core business values.

Here are six fundamental aspects of crafting a robust Gen AI strategy for businesses. Each of these pillars presents unique opportunities to leverage the potential of Gen AI in a way that not only drives business innovation but also ensures positive human interaction, particularly in customer service roles. These principles can guide businesses in molding their AI strategies to fit their distinct needs and values, which legal teams can help customize to align with specific organizational goals.

1. Governance Through AI Ethics Oversight

For retail businesses, establishing an AI ethics committee represents a strategic move toward responsible Gen AI implementation. The role of such a committee — consisting of individuals from different departments and backgrounds — extends from supply chain management to customer interaction.

An AI committee can actively oversee the ethical deployment of AI in areas like personalized shopping experiences and customer data usage. Oversight of this type helps ensure that AI-powered personalization respects customer privacy.

An AI ethics committee can act as a bridge between different stakeholders in a business’ AI ecosystem, including technology providers, customers and employees. Playing a role of this type enables the committee to facilitate dialogues, ensuring that newly adopted AI solutions are transparent, fair and beneficial for everyone. This type of multifaceted approach helps build a retail environment where AI is a tool for business growth and a means to foster trust and ethical engagement with customers.

2. Cultivate Ethical Proficiency in AI

The journey toward responsible Gen AI in retail begins with an essential step — ethical AI training. This training goes beyond mere technical know-how, delving into the ethical quandaries and societal impacts of AI. In the retail sector, where personalization and customer data play a pivotal role, understanding the ethical implications is crucial. Employees need to be well-versed in understanding AI’s mechanisms and skilled in navigating the moral complexities it might introduce. This could include scenarios like the use of AI in targeted advertising, ensuring that algorithms don’t reinforce stereotypes or invade customer privacy.

Moreover, ethical AI training in retail should also focus on inclusivity. Retailers should strive for their AI systems to cater to diverse customer bases without bias. Training should cover the importance of diverse datasets in preventing AI bias, particularly in product recommendations and marketing strategies. Retailers can use AI training to equip their employees with the tools needed to make sure that integrated AI is used in ways that respect and enhance the customer experience.

3. Design AI with the Customer in Mind

Within retail, Gen AI represents an enormous opportunity to enrich the customer journey. With AI implementation it’s now possible to get a deeper-than-ever understanding of customer behavior, preferences and needs. After successful implementation, businesses can explore expanding its applications to other areas of customer service. This could include using Gen AI to tailor customer service interactions based on individual customer feedback. Of course, customer-centric Gen AI design also means ensuring that these systems respect customer privacy and consent, striking a balance between personalization and ethical data use.

4. Harmonize AI and Human Efforts

In a customer service context, Gen AI can handle routine inquiries, allowing human agents to focus on more complex, sensitive customer issues that require empathy and nuanced understanding. This collaborative model optimizes efficiency and ensures a high level of customer service.

In a physical retail store, Gen AI integration offers benefits that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of in-store personnel, which in turn leads to a more enriched shopping experience for customers. By equipping sales staff with advanced, real-time information, Gen AI transforms the traditional retail environment into a more responsive and customer-oriented space.

5. Promote Transparency in AI Processes

Transparency in Gen AI processes is essential for building and maintaining customer trust. For instance, when a retailer employs a Gen AI system to determine eligibility for a loyalty program, customers should be able to understand the criteria involved. This transparency is a critical component of reassuring them that their data is being used responsibly. Developing a transparent approach also prepares businesses for potential regulatory requirements regarding Gen AI transparency and helps mitigate risks associated with AI decision-making.

6. Stay Ahead by Adapting AI to New Trends

The final and ongoing phase of integrating Gen AI into your business strategy revolves around staying alert and proactive. This means continuously monitoring and updating your Gen AI approach to ensure it remains effective, efficient and free of bias. It’s about transparently sharing updates and changes in your GenAI utilization with stakeholders, and actively addressing both risks and opportunities as they emerge. Taking this adaptable approach ensures that your Gen AI integration not only starts on a solid foundation but also evolves responsively to meet future challenges and leverage new advancements in technology.

These are six principles you should consider when developing a responsible AI strategy, but you should always consult your own legal team before developing any ethical framework. For retailers, this journey is about technological advancement and forging a path that harmoniously blends innovation with ethical responsibility and customer-centric values. As businesses continue to integrate Gen AI into their operations, these guiding principles serve as beacons, ensuring that Gen AI drives growth and facilitates ethical customer experiences. The future of retail with Gen AI means shaping these new technologies in ways that respect and uplift customer experiences.

Rebecca Jones is General Manager of Mosaicx, a leading provider of customer service AI and cloud-based technology solutions for enterprise companies and institutions. Jones joined the West Technology Group, owner of Mosaicx, in January 2021, after a 25+ year career focused on growing businesses, people and client success. She also serves as a member of the board of the Families for Effective Autism Treatment (FEAT) of Louisville, Ky., is an executive sponsor for Women of West, actively volunteers for The Molly Johnson Foundation that supports children with special needs, and champions causes promoting women in technology, including the IWL Foundation (Integrating Women Leaders Foundation), Tech Up for Women and CCWomen.