Lowe’s Adds Shipt to Same-Day Delivery Options

Lowe’s has added Shipt to its roster of same-day delivery options, joining DoorDash and Instacart. In July 2023, Lowe’s also expanded its same-day delivery offerings in a partnership with OneRail. This new Lowe’s partnership, covering the retailer’s 1,200 stores across the country, is Shipt’s first foray into the home improvement space.

“As Lowe’s continues its omnichannel journey, expanding same-day delivery options helps us meet our customers where they are,” said Neelima Sharma, SVP, Digital Commerce and Technology at Lowe’s in a statement. “Shipt customers now have the opportunity to get everything they need for their spring projects in a fast and convenient way from Lowe’s.”

“This launch is just in time for those spring and summer patio parties, gardening season and more,” said Katie Stratton, Chief Growth Officer at Shipt in a statement. “The addition of a new retail segment to our marketplace is proof of Shipt’s continued investment in meeting member needs.”

Lowe’s launched a new loyalty program for DIYers, MyLowe’s Rewards, in January 2024.